TRACE - the timesharing trace package.

TRACE is a debugging package normally used in conjunction with LODT or the "+Trace" option of the GO command. Under TRACE, the user is allowed to execute his subsystem or program in a controlled environment where all instructions can be checked for validity before execution.

The TRACE package can also be loaded with your program from the standard library by symref'ing the external name "TRACE". If this is done, initial control is passed to the package by executing


In Fortran-66, the statement "CALL TRACE" will accomplish this.

How do you tell if you are in TRACE? Well, whenever you enter TRACE, TRACE will print:


where <address> will be the starting address of your program in octal (or symbolically if symbol tables are present), and wait for you to type in TRACE commands. The number in front is the location from where TRACE was called (normally this is the starting location of your program).

Using TRACE, the user has the ability to:

Print out each instruction before it executes.
Print out specified instruction before they execute.
Print out instruction that modify specified registers.
Print out instructions that modify specified locations in
Print out various contents of his memory.
Print out the contents of his registers.
Change the contents of his memory or registers.
Insert and remove breakpoints.
Obtain an execution profile of the program.
Perform oct to decimal and decimal to octal conversions.
Search memory for specified data patterns.
Find the starting locations of his routines.


At some sites, the enhanced TRACE may only be invoked via the GO command.

Index to TRACE commands

See Also:

expl go
for the syntax required to specify the "+Trace" option.
expl trace index
for pointers to more information.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.