I - initialize or reset various things.


i [drls|map|q|s|t|<nn>]


This command may be used to selectively (or collectively) initialize queues and frequeucy counters which are maintained by the trace mechanism. As with the display command, a literal parameter must be specified, provided selective initialization is desired. This parameter may assume any of the following forms:

This selection will reset all derail service function usage frequencies to zero. As noted earlier, the I command is the only means by which the DRL frequencies can be initialized.
This selection will initialize the internal mapping area; i.e., all subdivision frequencies will be set to zero. This initialization is always implicitly performed whenever the trace command is utilized to engaged a map trace.
This selection will initialize the trace output queue, provided the Q command has been previously issued to enable output queuing.
This resets the memory pool used by the ALLOcate and AT commands. If this is done, any AT type breakpoints must be deleted and re-established.
This selection will initialize the trace transfer queue. Note that the transfer queue will always be implicitly initialized whenever the trace command is issued to engage the trace mechanism.
This selection will reset the count of the number of instructions executed (or simulated) by the trace mechanism. As with the T selection, implicit initialization of this count occurs whenever the trace command is issued.

Permissible forms of the I command are as follows:

i           initialize DRLS, MAP, A, T and #.
i drls      initialize derail service function usage
i map       reset all subdivision frequencies in the mapping
            area to zero.
i q         initialize the trace output queue.
i s         initialize the ALLOCATE storage.
i t         initialize the transfer queue.
i #         reset the count of the total number of 
            instructions which have been executed by
            the trace mechanism.

See Also:

expl trace allocate

expl trace at

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