D or DA - delete breakpoint


D <address>[,<address>]*


This command may be used to delete, or remove, one or more previously established breakpoints in the user's program. Deleting a breakpoint consists or removing the appropriate entry from the trace package breakpoint table and restoring the original instruction at the breakpoint location. An address may be: an octal number, a symbolic name (assuming that the symbol table is present), or any combination of these, separated and operated upon by '+' and/or '-'.

Permissible forms of the command are as follows:

FORM                   MEANING
d                      Delete the current breakpoint only.
d A1,A2,...,An         Delete the breakpoint at each
                       effective address, offset+Ai.
da A1,A2,...,An        Delete the breakpoint at each
                       effective address, Ai.

A request to delete a specified breakpoint which does not exist will be ignored.

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