M - MA,MQ,ME,MI,MXn,MARn modify register


<M> <new contents of register in octal>
<M> is one of MA, MQ, ME, MI, MX1, ..., MX7,
              MAR1, MAR2, ..., MAR7


ma3271402/mq0           (modify A and Q)
me 377
mx4,400000              (note requirement of the


These commands may be used to modify (change) the contents of a specified register.

Permissible forms of the commands are as follows:

ma D1          modify the A-register; i.e.,
               replace its contents with D1.
mq D1          modify the Q-register.
me A1          modify the E-register. A1 must be
               such that 0 <= A1 < 0400.
mi A1          modify the indicator register.
mxN A1         modify index register N.
marN E1        modify EIS address register N.

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