COMMANDS - summary of trace commands.


This is a summary of the trace commands. For detailed a detailed explaination type "explain trace <command>" where <command> is as given below.

abort          terminate execution via drl abort
allo           allocate patch space from core hole
at             establish an action breakpoint
b              establish breakpoint
bc             call B function from trace package
c              enable control via break key
callss         call subsystem
d              delete breakpoint
dec            decimal-to-octal conversion
display        display trace-related information
done           leave trace
e              execute instructions
ef             execute force
eval           evaluate a symbolic expression
f              find data pattern in memory
i              initialize queues/frequencies
l              locate symdef
la             locate address between symdefs
lp             locate PL/1 entries
m              modify register
n              disengage trace mechanism
nopause        discontinue pause mode
notrace        disengage trace mechanism (same as n)
o              establish offset
oct            octal-to-decimal conversion
p              patch memory
pause          pause before executing traced instruction
q              queue trace output
r              run
restore        restore program state from last save
s              snap memory
save           save current program state
sh             show breakpoint locations
soff           turn off symbol table
son            turn on symbol table
t              engage trace mechanism
tc             trace and continue
terminate      terminate execution via drl return
trace          engage trace mechanism (same as t)
use            user specified tracing
x              display registers

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