F or FA - find data pattern in memory


F <start-loc>,<octal pattern>[,<mask>][;<#-of-occ>]
(or FA)                                 [;*]


f1310,56060062056               (find ascii ".02.")
fa110,2000,777777000777;*       (find all drls)


This command may be used to find the location(s) of one or more occurrences of a specified data pattern (D1) in allocated memory, with the search commencing at any designated location (A1). An optional mask (D2) may be provided to enable comparisons only on selected bit positions. If provided, bit positions of D2 which contain a 1 will cause the corresponding bit positions of D1 to be ignored during the search. If the mask is not specified, comparisons will be based on a full 36 bit word.

Permissible forms of the F command are given below. Note that the effective starting address for each form given will be offset+A1 in all cases. FA may be substituted for F if the search is to start at absolute location A1.

FORM                    MEANING
f A1,D1                 find the first occurrence of D1,
                        starting at location A1.
f A1,D1;N               find the first N occurrences of D1,
                        starting at location A1.
f A1,D1;*               find all occurrences of D1,starting
                        at location A1.
f A1,D1,D2              find the first occurrence of D1
                        masked by D2, starting at location
f A1,D1,D2;N            find the first N occurrences of D1
                        masked by D2, starting at location
f A1,D1,D2;*            find all occurrences of D1 masked
                        by D2, starting at location A1.

If the search was successful, each address at which the data pattern, D1, was found will be displayed. The addresses will be relative to the offset, provided one has been previously established. In addition, the data content at each address will be displayed, provided a mask had been specified.

If the search is unsuccessful, the following message will be issued:


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