Index for "expl drl"

DRL ABORT (octal 7) - abort.
DRL ABTJOB (octal 51) - abort batch job.
DRL ADDMEM (octal 16) - add memory.
DRL ATTRI (octal 70) - pick up user's attributes.
DRL CALLSS (octal 30) - internal call to another subsystem.
DRL CGROUT (octal 46) - process line switch.
DRL CONSOL (octal 52) - talk to system console.
DRL CONSOP (octal -2) - type console commands.
CORFIL 017 - read/write the core file.
DEFIL  06 - create temp file, get aft description.
DRL DIO (octal 1) - do I/O on user's file.
DRL DRLDSC (octal 43) - disconnect terminal.
DRL DRLIMT (octal 54) - store processor time limit.
DRL DRLSAV (octal 62) - save program on perm file.
DRL - the TSS system call.
DRL FILSP (octal 13) - space a linked file.
GROW   050 - grow a permanent or temporary file.
DRL GWAKE (octal 66) - wake me later.
JOUT   55 - manipulate job output.
DRL JSTS (octal 45) - obtain job status.
DRL KIN (octal 4) - keyboard input last line.
DRL KOTNOW (octal 56) - keyboard output immediate.
DRL KOUT (octal 2) - keyboard output.
DRL KOUTN (octal 3) - keyboard output then input.
DRL MORLNK (octal 34) - add links to temp file.
DRL NEWUSR (octal 35) - logon new user without disconnect.
DRL OBJTIM (octal 57) - cpu time and core size limit.
DRL PART (octal 47) - partial release of temp file.
DRL PASAFT (octal 22) - pass list of files to subsystem.
DRL PASDES (octal 44) - pass AFT names and descriptions.
DRL PASFLR (octal 60) - submit batch job with JOUT.
PASUST 033 - Snap parts of UST.
DRL PDIO (octal 24) - do I/O on a system file.
DRL PRGDES (octal 65) - pass program descriptor.
DRL PSEUDO (octal 64) - simulated keyboard input.
DRL RELMEM (octal 15) - release memory.
DRL RESTOR (octal 25) - overlay-load a subsystem.
DRL RETFIL (octal 14) - return a file.
DRL RETURN (octal 5) - return to primitive list.
DRL REW (octal 12) - rewind a linked file.
DRL RSTSWH (octal 11) - reset switch word.
DRL SETLNO (octal 37) - set line number/increment.
DRL SETSWH (octal 10) - set switch word.
DRL SNUMB (octal 20) - obtain snumb.
DRL SPAWN (octal 26) - submit a batch job.
DRL STPSYS (octal 41) - stop execution of master subsystem.
DRL SWITCH (octal 53) - switch temp file names.
DRL SWPGRD (octal -1) - switch program descriptors.
DRL SYSRET (octal 40) - cancel current system selection.
DRL T.CFIO (octal 77) - command file processing.
DRL T.CMOV (octal 73) - read/write memory.
DRL T.CRYP (octal 67) - password encryption.
DRL T.ERR (octal 103) - error detected.
DRL T.EXEC (octal 100) - execute code in TSS exec mode.
DRL T.GOTO (octal 72) - call from one subsystem to another.
DRL T.LINL (octal 74) - change input line length.
DRL T.MAIL (octal 102) - mail message sent.
DRL T.PAGE (octal 104) - set pagination options.
DRL T.RSCC (octal 101) - read system controller clock.
DRL T.SYOT (octal 75) - pass file to backdoor SYSOUT.
DRL TASK (octal 63) - spawn a special batch activity.
DRL TERM (octal 32) - clean up UST after user termination.
DRL TERMTP (octal 23) - terminal type and line number.
DRL TIME (octal 21) - obtain date and time.
DRL USERID (octal 31) - pass userid and priority.