PASUST 033 - Snap parts of UST.


drl    pasust      Snap UST data
vfd    18/ustbuf,9/offset,9/count


drl    pasust
zero   sybuf,-1    Read the 2 llink SY** file


is the address where the UST data is to be copied to.
is the offset into the UST of the first word to copy.
is the number of words to copy from the UST. A "count" of zero will be snap the whole UST.
is the address of a 640 word buffer where the SY** data will be placed.


DRL PASUST is usually used to copy data from the User Status Table into the calling program. The user must be aware of the format and content of the UST as currently defined under TSS. This DRL should be used carefully, since the UST definition is subject to change.

An alternate use of DRL PASUST is to read the contents of the build mode collector file, SY**. This differs from reading SY** with DRL DIO when TSS is using an in memory cache for build mode data. DRL PASUST will use the in memory data if appropriate; DRL DIO will always read the file. The alternate mode is indicated by a -1 in the lower half of the control word. ("offset" == "count" == 0777).

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