DRL T.CMOV (octal 73) - read/write memory.


drl     t.cmov
zero    frblk,p#
zero    toblk,n
tze     alwell          return to here


is the address of the area you wish to snap.
points to the buffer which will receive the data.
is the number of words to be moved (snapped).
is number of the program you wish to snap.


DRL T.CMOV is used to read/write system memory from TSS. Use of this derail is restricted to users with a CARDIN bit (privileged users) or to privileged subsystems in the command library.

The write function is restricted to master subsystems.

Conditions and restrictions

If "p#" is zero, "frblk" is taken as an absolute address. If "p#" is -1, the data is to be written, rather than read, and "frblk" is taken to be within TSS' memory (program number five). Otherwise, "p#" is taken to be relative to the lower address limit for that program number.

The addresses from "toblk" to "toblk+n+1" must be relative to and within the caller's memory.

On successful return, the A register contains the contents of the word at "frblk", the Q register contains zero, and the zero indicator is on. On unsuccessful return, the A register is unchanged, the Q register contains an error code in the lower half, and the zero indicator is off.

The possible error codes and their explanations are as follows.

1 error, address outside prog specified
2 error, address out of range
3 program not in core
4 error in write call
5 permissions denied
6 n > 1024
7 no such p#

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