DRL RELMEM (octal 15) - release memory.


drl    relmem


DRL RELMEM reduces the amount of memory assigned to a subsystem program during execution. The number of words to be released from the lower portion of the subsystem is given in the upper half of the Q-register, and the number of words to be released from the upper portion is given in the lower half of the Q-register. Memory is released only in blocks of 1024 words. If the number specified in either half of the Q-register is not a multiple of 1024, the number will be truncated. The address at which execution is to be resumed after the DRL is given in the upper half of the A-register; the lower half must be zero. This address will be taken relative to the new base.

When low memory is released, it is the responsibility of the user to re-establish the fault vectors or clear them to zero.

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