JRN - submit a batch job.


jrn [infile[;infile]*] [:option[,option]*]


jrn job:jout,monitor
jrn :dismiss,direct


JRN is a member of the CONVERT family and is used to submit batch jobs. The JRN command checks all the dollar control cards to see if the following cards are present (see "expl batch").

(1) $ ASCII
(2) $ ENX
(3) $ PRMFL
(4) $ SELECT

From the time JRN encounters the "$ ASCII" card until the "$ ENX" is found, all records except the $ control cards are written as ASCII card image records. The "$ ASCII" and "$ ENX" cards are always deleted.

Sample Job:

Assume you want to run a simple Fortran program to print out "Hi There", and you have the appropriate JCL in a file you've created with FRED. The file might look like this.

$ ident *,compile
$ option fortran
$ forty
      print, "Hi There"
$ execute
$ endjob

Normally, you would want to monitor the job; this could be done by typing

jrn <file name>:moni

After termination of the job, you would probably want to examine the output from it using JOUT. This can be done by typing:

jrn <file name>:jout

You can combine the two options as follows:

jrn <file name>:j,moni

Instead of typing the options on the command line, you could put these options inside the file using the special $$ control cards peculiar to CONVERT and friends. If this were done, the file would look like this:

$ ident *,compile
$ option fortran
. . . etc.

Sometimes, you may decide that you want to override the options you have specified in the file on $$ control cards. This could be done by using the options "DISMiss" and "DIREct". The "DISMiss" option overrides the "MONItor" option and the "DIREct" option overrides the "Jout" option. "DISMiss" and "MONItor" are mutually exclusive, as are "DIREct" and "Jout". If both are specified on the same line (command or control card), JRN will abort. If mutually exclusive options are encountered on separate lines, the first one encountered sets the options for the job. All succeeding mutually exclusive options are ignored.

The SELEct Option:

The "select" option is specified on $$ control cards. It allows you to specify a file to be processed before the rest of the file is. If you had decided to put the above Fortran job into a file, you could have another file to submit to JRN which might look like this:

$ ident *,compile
$ option fortran
$ forty
$ execute
$ endjob

The above job would do the same as the original one we showed earlier. "fort.job" can be a temporary or permanent file, since JRN processes everything before submitting the batch job. There is a maximum of 17 levels of nesting allowed using the "select" option.

Tab Characters:

Sometimes you decide you don't want to use the default tab character (ASCII tab), and the default tab settings (GMAP tabs). This might be the case if you have an old JCL file created when the colon (":") was the default tab character.

To get around this problem, you can use the "Tab" option. This option's syntax is


where <char> can be any character and <setting> can be any number. If a tab character is encountered past the last tab-stop, it is just treated like a regular character. There is no limit to the number of tab characters or settings used.

Examples of the Tab option:

In a file:


or on the command line:

jrn file:tab(:,7,15,40)

Files Used:

*src - if no input file(s) specified.

*cnvrt* - intermediate file for processing.

See Also:

expl convert
expl convert options
expl convert character
expl convert dollar
expl convert miscellaneous
expl convert specialized
expl jprint
expl jout

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.