CALLER - determine the caller (parent) of co-routine group.


   fcv = caller( [fcv1] );
   void *caller( [void *fcv1] );


points to the control vector of the co-routine whose caller is to be determined. If "fcv1" is not specified, CALLER determines the caller of the current co-routine.
is a pointer to the control vector of the co-routine which which would gain control if the named co-routine did a DETACH.


CALLER returns the fcv of the routine which last CALL'ed the specified co-routine, or which last CALL'ed a routine that RESUME'd the specified co-routine (possibly multiple levels of RESUME). In other words, CALLER returns the fcv of the co-routine which would gain control if the specified co-routine did a DETACH.

Normally, CALLER is used without any arguments to determine the caller of the current co-routine.

See Also:

expl b lib call

expl b lib detach

expl b lib resume

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