CALL - invoke a co-routine group.

Alternate Entry Name: .CALL


   retval = call( fcv [, value] );
   int call(void *fcv [,int value] );


is the value returned by the co-routine group.
is a pointer to the co-routine in the group which initially gains control.
is the value passed to the invoked co-routine.


CALL invokes the co-routine specified by "fcv", at the point at which it was last suspended (by CALL, RESUME, DETACH, break, or function entry). A pointer to the current co-routine (i.e. the caller) is saved in the fcv of the callee. This pointer may be obtained by the function CALLER. This pointer to the caller (parent attribute) is also passed to any co-routines that are resumed by the callee.

If "value" is specified for a co-routine that has not been invoked previously, the first argument will be set to "value". This will override the value of the first argument specified in the call to CREATE.

See Also:

expl b lib detach

expl b lib caller

expl b lib passer

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