Adding and Configuring an Application

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This section describes what to do if you decide to implement MainBossWeb as an application under an existing web site.

As noted in a previous section, you should have copied the MainBossWeb files to a subfolder under the folder used by the IIS web service. If you have not done so, do so now.

Start the IIS manager. In the left-hand panel of the IIS manager, expand the entry for the server computer, then click on Sites. Expand the entry for sites until you see the name of the web site under which you will put MainBossWeb.

In order to add MainBossWeb to this web site as an application, you must stop the web site (i.e. shut down the web site temporarily). To stop the web site, click on its entry in the left-hand panel of the IIS manager, then click Stop in the far right-hand panel.

Once you've stopped the web site, right-click on the web site's entry in the left-hand panel. In the resulting menu, click Add Application. This opens a window where you can specify information on MainBossWeb.

Once you have configured the web site, you can restart the web site. In the left-hand panel, click the entry for the web site that contains the MainBossWeb application. Then, in the far right-hand panel, click Start.

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