Adding Organizations

This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.

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The AddOrganization verb of MBUtility lets you add an organization to a user's organization list. By default, this will be the current user (i.e. the person who executes the mbutility command). However, some options let you specify a different user's organization list.

The database associated with the organization must already exist and the user must have appropriate permissions on the database. This means that the user's name must be specified in the database's Users table.

For example, if you are logged in under the name jsmith, you can use AddOrganization to put a new organization in jsmith's list of known organizations, provided that jsmith appears in the database's Users table.

The format of the command is

mbutility AddOrganization option option ...

where the options are:

This option is relevant if the user's organization list already contains an organization with the same name. +Replace says the old organization should be replaced with the new organization. If you do not specify +Replace, MBUtility will not replace old organization's with new ones; if there is a name conflict, you will be receive an error message.
If you specify this option, MBUtility will attempt to verify that the user can actually access the database. If you do not specify +Probe, the database will be added to the user's organization list, but MBUtility doesn't check to see if the user can actually connect to the database.
Specifies the default start-up mode when the user connects to the database. The startmode value must be one of the following strings:
MainBoss Requests
View Sessions
For explanations of these startup modes, see Start Modes of this guide.
Tells MainBoss that the database should be opened in a mode that initially hides the details panel for records selected in table viewers.
The name that should be used in the user's organization list. This name is case-insensitive.
The name of the server where the database resides.
The actual name of the database that you want to add.

You must specify all three of /OrganizationName, /DataBaseServer and /DataBaseName.

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