Integrating MainBoss Remote with MainBoss Service

This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.

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If you are using the MainBoss Service module, you should adjust its configuration so that the service knows about MainBoss Remote. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Login under a user name with Windows Administrator and MainBoss Administration permissions.
  2. Start MainBoss.
  3. Go to Administration | MainBoss Service.
  4. If MainBoss Service is running, drop the arrow on Start Service and click Stop Service.
  5. Go to Administration | MainBoss Service | Configuration.
  6. Click the single record in the table viewer, then click Edit.
  7. In the resulting window, go to the Outgoing Mail section.
  8. Set the field "MainBoss Remote URL for E-mail notifications" to the URL for your MainBoss Remote web site, e.g.
  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. Go to Administration | MainBoss Service.
  11. Click Start Service.

If you do not do the above, messages sent out by MainBoss Service may contain URLs that do not work.

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