Recording Items Received

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The window for recording information about a shipment contains several buttons for recording information about the items received. The Add Item button lets you add one or more items to the list of items received, while the Edit Item button lets you edit information about an item that is already in the list.

Another way to begin recording items received is to select Inventory —> New Receipt from the menu. This menu item is useful if some workers have the authority to record receipts but not to prepare purchase orders. Inventory —> New Receipt lets the worker record what shipments contain, without giving access to the windows for editing purchase orders.

No matter how you begin recording the items in a shipment, MainBoss opens the same window. This window contains the following:

Note: In some cases, a shipment may contain more of a particular item than was actually specified in the purchase order; for example, you might have ordered four truck tires but actually received five. In this case, the "On Order" value for the item will be a negative number wherever "On Order" appears. In the truck tire example, the on-order number will be -1, since you've received all the tires you ordered and one extra. This value will appear in every window that has an "On Order" field, as long as the purchase order stays open. When you close the purchase order, the surplus item is no longer on order and therefore the "On Order" value will be set to zero.

For more on recording shipments, see Recording Shipment Information. For more on purchase orders themselves, see Creating a New Purchase Order. For more on examining shipment receipts, see Browsing Receipts.

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