SUMMARY - complete table of TF requests.

In the descriptions that follow, R signifies a valid register name (optionally enclosed in parentheses), C signifies a character, T indicates a heading or footing line, L is an end label (either null or having the form of a register name), N represents an unsigned integer, and E is a valid numeric expression.

.ab      yes          abort TF processing
.af R F   no    F=1   assign format to register R,
.an R E   no    E=1   assign number to register R, R!=%
.at R     no          assign text to register R until .en R
.bf N     no     1    next N lines set in boldface
.bp      yes          begin page
.cc C     no    C=.   control character is C
.ce N    yes          center next N text lines, break on
.cl N     no          close diversion file N
.cs C     no          set the case escape character to C
.db C     no          informs TF that C may be used as a
                      padding character for proportional
                      spacing output
.dc C N S no          gives the width of character C in
                      proportional spacing output; if a
                      string S is given, C in input is
                      replaced by S in output
                      if end of footnote
.ep      yes          begin an even page
.fa N P   no          attach (open) file with pathname P
                      for diversion file N
.ff N     no    N=2   set line number of top of form
.fi      yes    yes   fill output lines
.fn L     no          divert text to footnotes until .en L
.fo N T   no  T=''''  Nth even/odd foot titles are T,
.fs T     no  T=''''  footnote separator is T
.hc C     no          hyphenation character is C
.he N T   no  T=''''  Nth even/odd head titles are T,
.hy N     no    N=3   hyphenation mode is N, 0<=n<=3
.ib C     no          converts C to a blank on input
.ic C     no          insertion character is C
.id R L   no          if R is defined, include following
                      lines; else ignore to .en L
.if E L   no          if E is non-zero, include following
                      lines; else ignore to .en L
.ig L     no          ignore all input until .en L
.in E     no    E=0   indent left margin E spaces
.ju      yes    yes   justify right margin of filled lines
.lc       no          lower case all following input
.ll E     no   E=60   line length is E including indent
.ln E     no          control line-numbering of output
.ls E    yes    E=1   line spacing is E
.lv N     no          leave N consecutive blank lines; wait
                      until next page if necessary
.m1 E     no    E=4   margin above head 1 is E lines
.m2 E     no    E=2   margin below and including heads is E
.m3 E     no    E=1   margin above and including feet is E
.m4 E     no    E=4   margin below foot 1 is E lines
.mg N     no   empty  next line sets merge pattern N,
.nc       no          cancel ".lc" or ".uc"
.nd N     no    N=1   distance between right margin and
.ne N     no          need room for N output lines with
                      present spacing, do .bp if necessary
.nf      yes    no    nofill, break on each input line
.nj      yes    no    no right margin justification
.no       no          rest of line is note
.np N     no    no    no printing of output for next N pages
.ns N     no          first N characters of next line are
                      not filled
.nt       no    -1    returns line number of next trap on
.nu       no    yes   no first character underlining
.of N T   no  T=''''  Nth odd page foot title is T,
.oh N T   no  T=''''  Nth odd page head title is T,
.op      yes          begin an odd page
.pa E    yes    E=1   begin page with page number E
.pc C     no          parameter character is C
.pl E    yes   E=66   paper length is E lines
.po E     no    E=0   page offset is E, i.e. move all output
                      E spaces right
.pr E     no    E=0   print requests indented E, don't print
                      if E <= line length
.ps E     no    E=0   print sequence numbers of input lines
                      indented E (E for .pr > E for .ps)
.pw       no   120    set paper width
.qc       no          quote character for macro arg
.sa R     no          save current value of R on stack
.sk E     no          skip at next new page to page number E
.sl n     no          control formfeeds
                      pathname P
.sq      yes          squeeze line onto current page
.st      yes          pause now
.sy COMM  no          execute TSS system command COMM
.ta       no    all   tabs set by this line or next
.tb       no      1   table break: if non-zero, hold as many
                      tables as possible
.tc C     no          extra tab character is C
.td N     no          delete all traps for line N
.te N     no    N=1   N=0 disables trap processing; N=1
                      enables trap processing
.tf C     no          C corresponds to escape sequence for
                      bold facing on output device
.ti E N  yes          temporary indent, for one line only
                      second argument functions as .ns
.tl C     no          C corresponds to escape sequence for
                      underlining and bold facing on output
.tn C     no          C corresponds to escape sequence for
                      normal display on output device
.tp N R   no          when line N is reached, trap goes off
                      and executes register R
.tr CD... no          translate C into D on output
.tt L    yes          divert text to table until .en L
.tu C     no          C corresponds to escape sequence for
                      underlining on output device
.uc       no          upper case all following input
.uf       no    no    underline first character of each
                      input text line
.ul N     no          underline alphanumerics in next N
                      input text lines
.ze MSG   no          send message MSG to STDERR
.zt R     no          restore most recently saved value
                      for R
.zz COMMENT           line contains a comment; ignore it


The following principles hold when arguments are omitted. When an N or E field is omitted, a value of 1 is used. When a T field is omitted, an empty title is used. Omitting the C field for ".cc", ".hc", ".ic", ".pc", ".cs", ".qc", or ".tc", turns off the special meaning of any character previously given in such a request.

The current version of TF supports the following obsolete requests:

 .ar  .ds  .ix  .n0  .n1  .n2  .nx  .pn  .ro  .ss

All of these have been superseded by new requests, and therefore may be deleted in future versions of TF.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.