O+T O+Tm O+Tm,n,... O-T
o+t20 o+t4,8,12,16,20 o+t5,10,10 o-t
O+T sets tab stops for a buffer. Tab stops can be set for any column number with the exception of column 1 and columns after column 145. With O+T in effect, tab characters are expanded into the correct number of spaces when lines containing tabs are printed on the terminal. (Internally though, the tabs are still stored as tab characters.) O-T tells FRED not to expand tabs into spaces in terminal display.
If only one number n is specified in an O+T command, tab stops are set every n locations, beginning at n+1. Thus O+T20 sets tabs at columns 21,41,61,....
If several numbers are listed, the situation is more complicated. If the last number in the list is less than or equal to the second last number, tabs are only set for the specified columns. Thus
sets tabs in only columns 5 and 10. However, if the last number in the list is greater than the second last number, the difference between the two is taken as an increment I and tabs are set not only for the columns specified in the list but also for every I columns after the last specified stop. In this way,
sets tabs in columns 5, 10, 14, 18, 22,.... FRED's default tab settings are O+T5,9.
In FRED, tab stops are local to each buffer. When a buffer is created, moved to, or copied to, it inherits its tab stops from the current buffer. These tab stops may then be changed without changing the tab stops of any other buffer.
If you issue the command O+O immediately followed by a tab character, tabs in text will be printed out as your escape character followed by a space, as in "\ ". Tabs will not be expanded to their proper tab settings. To go back to normal tab expansion, use the command O-O immediately followed by a tab character.
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