DSTA - show status of DRUNs logged on the system DRUN file.


dsta [userid] [options]*

+All +Headings +Verbose Drunid=nnnn|nnnnd Status=xxx[,xxx]* Status-=xxx[,xxx]* Status+=xxx[,xxx]*


dsta        shows your DRUNs.
dsta +v     shows your DRUNs in verbose format.
dsta status=aborted,killed +all
            shows all DRUNs that aborted or were killed
            by a system crash.


names the userid whose DRUNs are to be listed. The default is the current userid.
+Verbose (partially privileged)
displays the actual command line given to DRUN. All options and filenames are displayed in the format used by DRUN. If the DRUN aborted, DSTA displays the abort error message instead. Privileged users may use +Verbose to display any DRUN; unprivileged users may only use +Verbose with DRUNs that originated from their own userid.
shows DRUNs from all userids.
displays a heading line at the beginning, giving the date and time the system log file was initialized, the number of used entries/number of available entries, and the number of initiated DRUNs+number of non-initiated DRUNs+DRUNs waiting for initiation=total number of DRUNs scheduled.
lists DRUNs that have the given statuses. Standard command abbreviations apply to the following possible forms of "xxx":
Exec        Killed      Terminating
Waiting     ABorted     ENded
Restarting  All

The default is all DRUN states.

removes the given statuses from the from the set of DRUNs to be listed. For example, Status-=Waiting will ignore waiting DRUNs.
is similar to the above, except the named statuses are added to the defaults. is similar, except that the named statuses are added to the set of states being reported. This is not very useful now that the default has been changed to report all states.

displays the DRUN whose job id is "nnnnd". The trailing "d" is optional, and is ignored by DSTA if specified.


DSTA displays the contents of the system file kept by TSS for DRUNs. The first line displayed gives the DRUN job id, the userid, the job status, and the date and time of initiation. Job statuses are as follows:

wt  -  waiting to be scheduled.
rs  -  being rescheduled due to system crash.
ex  -  executing.
tr  -  terminating (usually killed by DABT).
en  -  successful completion.
ab  -  aborted.
**  -  killed by system interruption.

The verbose format (+Verbose) prints an additional line showing the input that was given to initiate the DRUN. In the case of aborted DRUNs, this line is replaced with the abort error message.

Files Used:

sys_cat/dr - the system log file.

See Also:

expl drun

expl cmdf

expl dabt

Copyright © 2000, Thinkage Ltd.