ABORT - use BOFF to examine an abort file.


boff Abort [abortfile] [options]*
ManiFest=filename         +Symbols
Symbols=filename[,module] (+|-)Write


boff a
boff ab +s
boff ab /oldabrt -w mf=/oldhs


is the name of the abort file to be examined. If this is not specified, BOFF will look for a temporary or permanent file named "abrt" ("abrt" is the default abort file name used by TSS).
specifies a manifest file. For more details, see "expl boff manifest".
indicates that "filename" contains symbol names and debug tables for the program whose abort file is being examined. This file should be an hstar file or a sequential symbol file (see "expl boff symbols"). If the file is an hstar file containing more than one module, you must specify the "module" name as well.
is short for "Symbols=.h". ".h" is the B command's default name for core image files.
indicates that BOFF should not access the abort file with write permissions (i.e. read only). This prevents accidental alteration of the abort file. Normally, BOFF accesses the file with both read and write.


The Abort mode of BOFF is used to examine the abort file from a program.

In most cases, it is important to specify a "symbols" file when examining an abort file. B programs release their tables of local and external variables as soon as they begin execution, and therefore these symbol tables will not be found in the abort file itself. Instead they must be obtained from the hstar file that contained the original program. For example, if your compiled program was in the file "myhs" and the abort file is in "myabrt", you would say

boff a myabrt s=myhs

to examine the abort file using BOFF.

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