SYSLIB - routines for privileged system programs.


b <program> StandardLibrary=syslib


Standard library SYSLIB contains a number of routines that are of use in writing privileged system programs. Not all routines require privilege, but many do and the other routines are utilities that are likely only needed by privileged programs.

Of special importance are the FMS routines which make it easy to examine and walk through the file system. There are routines to read individual catalog blocks, search a catalog level, examine permissions etc. For more information see "expl b syslib fms".

Other routines such as F.DEVN, allow get easy access to system table data.


Although every attempt has been made to make these routines as operating system release independent as possible, it is clearly not possible for the compiled code for routines which snap hardcore to be completely release independent. Routines which use this library must be recompiled with each GCOS release.

See Also:

expl b syslib fms
for a greater discussion of the FMS specific routines.
expl b syslib jio
for a discussion of routines to access arbitrary disk locations.

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