XLATE - translate one character code to another.

Alternate Entry Name: .XLATE


   xlate( outstr, outpos, instr, inpos, table, outlen
          [, outype, intype, inlen, fill] );
   void xlate(void *outstr, int outpos,
              const void *instr, int inpos,
              void *table, int outlen [, int outype,
              int intype, int inlen, int fill] );


is a pointer to the output string.
is a character offset into "outstr" giving the leftmost character affected. The offset of the initial character of "outstr" is zero, the offset of the next character is one, and so on.
is a pointer to the input string.
is a character offset into "instr" indicating the first character to be translated.
is the translation table as described below.
is the number of characters to be placed in the output string.
is one of 4, 6, or 9, indicating the number of bits per output character. If no "outype" is specified, the default is 9 bits (ASCII characters).
is one of 4, 6, or 9, indicating the number of bits per input character. If no "intype" is specified, the default is "outype".
is the number of input characters to be translated. If "inlen" is not specified, the default is "outlen".
is the character used to pad the input string if "outlen" is greater than "inlen". If no "fill" is specified, the default is 040 octal, the ASCII blank.


XLATE copies the input string to the output, and translates it according to the table of nine-bit characters specified by "table". If the input string is shorter than the output string, the input string is logically extended on the right with the "fill" character. Note that the "fill" character is translated.

Translation is performed as follows. An input character is obtained. The value of this character is used as an index into "table" (as in "char(table, c)" ), and the value obtained is placed into the output string. This process is repeated for each character in the input string, including any "fill" characters on the end.


/* Translate 4 bit hex to ASCII. */
table {"0123456789abcdef"};
extrn table;
xlate( outstr, 0, instr, 0, table, count, 9, 4 );

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