TTY.IO - set terminal I/O handling.

Alternate Entry Name: TTY_IO


      ..., action);
   void tty_io(FILE *unit, int action);


is the number of the unit to be affected. This should be a terminal I/O unit.
is a manifest defining what is to be changed about the terminal handling.


TTY.IO is used to change the way the library handles terminal I/O. At the moment only two actions are defined. TY_SRAW sets "raw" mode and TY_RRAW turns raw mode off.


The only time you'll need raw mode for a terminal is in special applications for VIP terminals.

Setting raw mode on a terminal input unit tells the library not to convert carriage returns ('*r') into new-lines ('*n'). In addition, the ASCII FS (CTRL-\) will not be recognized as end of file.

For VIP terminals transmitting multiple lines, raw mode also prevents stripping of carriage returns in the embedded carriage return/line feed sequences. It also prevents the library from echoing the missing carriage return on the last line of VIP input.

Setting raw mode on a terminal output unit stops the library from transforming new-lines ('*n') into carriage return/linefeeds ('*r*n'), and also prevents normal pending linefeed processing.

If you set raw mode on an input terminal, it is usually desirable to set raw mode on the corresponding output terminal, and vice versa.

See Also:

expl b environment manual

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.