TRTEST - translate and test characters (fast char scan).


   ret = trtest( string, pos, table [, count [, type] ] );
   int trtest(char *string, int pos, void *table,
              [int count, [int type]]);


points to the string of characters to be scanned.
is a character offset position in "string". The initial character of "string" is in position zero, the next character is in position one, and so on.
points to an area in memory containing a decision table as described below.
is the maximum number of characters for TRTEST to scan. If "count" is not specified, there is no maximum and TRTEST will scan to the end of memory. If "count" is negative, the scan will begin at position "pos" in string and proceed BACKWARDS through -"count" characters.
is one of 4, 6, or 9, indicating the number of bits per character in "string". If "type" is not specified, the default is 9 (indicating ASCII characters).
is the character offset position of the first character in "string" to have a non-zero entry in "table". If no such character is found, the position returned is "count+pos", one position past the last legal character.


TRTEST is a moderately powerful scanning routine. Starting at character position "pos" in string "string", "count" characters are examined. The value of each character is used as a subscript into "table". If the character thus obtained from "table" is non-zero, the scan is stopped. If "count" is negative, the scan is done in the reverse direction.

"ret" receives the character position at which the scan stopped. If no matching character is found, the position returned is "count + pos", one position past the last legal character. "table" is always considered to consist of nine-bit characters.

See Also:

expl b lib external .trt0, expl b lib external .trt1
".trt0" and ".trt1" are useful when creating translation tables for TRTEST.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.