
On compile command line:
B src.b l=b/trace
In source (optionally):
old unit  = .trace( unit );


Whenever a call is made to a function within the user's program, a line is directed to the output unit, containing the name of the called function and a list of its arguments. When the call returns, a line with the value returned is output. No tracing is done of calls to library functions (this includes any libraries loaded below TRACE, i.e., the B library and any "Library=" options that follow "l=b/trace").

Tracing may be disabled or re-enabled, or the trace output directed to another unit, by a call to .TRACE. The argument is the unit number and defaults to 1 (standard output); an argument of 0 disables tracing. The value returned by .TRACE is the argument of the previous call to it. There is a null defined function .TRACE in the normal B library so that a program that calls .TRACE may be loaded without the trace library and function as if tracing was disabled.

Example of output:

Consider a recursive function for factorials defined thus:

Factorial (x) return (x?x*Factorial(x-1):1);

The line t = Factorial (4); in Main would produce this:

:CALL: factor(4)
::::CALL: factor(3)
:::::::CALL: factor(2)
::::::::::CALL: factor(1)
:::::::::::::CALL: factor(0)
:::::::::::::RETN: 1
::::::::::RETN: 1
:::::::RETN: 2
::::RETN: 6
:RETN: 24=030

The meaning of the above should be obvious. Values other than 0 through 7 are printed in decimal and octal; they are also printed as character constants if possible, like this: if each 9-bit character of the value is either 0 or 012 or from 040 to 177, and the value is nonzero, it is printed as a character constant. Null (omitted when leading), newline, "'", "*", and rubout are respectively escaped as *0, *n, *', **, and *x.


The tracing mechanism is implemented by redefining the function entry/exit routines, .10000 and .10001. This makes programs significantly more expensive to run, even with tracing disabled.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.