PEEK - copy memory into your address space.


   ret = peek( offset [, vec, nwds, seg, doffs] );
   int peek(const int offset [, void *vec,
            int nwds, int seg, int doffs] );


is the word offset within the other segment where copying is to begin.
is a pointer to a vector where the words are to be placed.
is the number of words to copy. If "nwds" is not specified or is zero, no words will be copied anywhere, but "ret" will receive the contents of the single word at "address".
is a code to identify the segment to be examined. The default is PKS.TSS refers to the ISR segment of the current copy of TSS.
is the word offset into an indirect descriptor segment of the descriptor of the actual source segment.


PEEK is used to write privileged TSS subsystems that inspect the state of TSS or Gcos.

If PEEK fails, it always calls EXIT after printing an error message. Possible causes of error include

address out of program
address out of range
permissions denied
  (the subsystem or user must be privileged)
too many words

See Also:

expl b lib .peek
for a related routine that returns statuses rather than exiting with an error. This explain also gives a more complete discussion of the use of the "seg" and "doffs" arguments.
expl b manif peek
for a decription of manifests for code for "seg".

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