HISTITLE - define a routine to construct histprint strings.


   histitle( hg, routine, width );
   void histitle(void *hg, void *routine, int width);


points at the histogram for which the routine is to be defined. This pointer is returned by HISTINIT.
points at the routine to be invoked by HISTPRINT when printing of the histogram is underway.
is the width of the widest string returned by the routine.


HISTITLE enables the user to define a general purpose routine that generates a meaningful string to be used by HISTPRINT when printing the columns of histogram data. The length of the string that is returned should be less than or equal to the argument "width" for best results.

The defined routine must be prepared to accept three arguments from HISTPRINT.

routine( value, incr, flag );

"value" is the numeric value HISTPRINT would have used if HISTITLE had not been called. "incr" is the increment between successive values. "flag" has one of the three following values.

indicating that "value" is the lowest value of the histogram.
indicating that "value" is in the middle range of the histogram.
indicating that "value" is the highest value of the histogram.

See Also:

expl b lib hist

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