GETRCP - get record pointer.

Alternate entries: GT.RCP


   pointer = getrcp( [unit] );
   int getrcp( [FILE *unit] );


is the number of an open input unit. If "unit" is not specified, the default is the current read unit.
is a B pointer to the RCW of the next record or record segment in the library buffer. If a next record is not available because of end of file or error, 'pointer' will be -1.


GETRCP returns a pointer to the next record from the specified input "unit". A -1 is returned if "unit" is at end-of-file, or if "unit" is a non-record-oriented (tty) or output unit. The purpose of GETRCP is to make transcription more efficient by eliminating one data move. Note that GETRCP does no special processing if a record is spanned or partitioned; thus the calling program must take care of this.

For further details on system standard format, see the GFRC manual.

See Also:

expl b lib getrec

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