GETMATRIX - dynamically allocate a matrix.


   matrix = getmatrix( m1, m2, m3, ... mn );
   rlsematrix( matrix, m1, m2, m3, ... mn );
   void *getmatrix(int m1, ...);
   void rlsematrix(void *matrix, ...);


contains a pointer through which you can locate the memory allocated to the matrix.
m1, m2, m3, ..., mn
give the size of each dimension of the matrix.


GETMATRIX allocates storage space for a matrix of the specified dimensions. The size of the matrix is the product of the sizes of its dimensions.

As is usual when dealing with vectors of words, if a dimension is of size "n", then "n+1" words are allocated to obtain a zero origin vector whose highest subscript is "n".

GETMATRIX obtains this storage using GETVEC, and initializes a vector of pointers into "matrix", so that references to the elements of the various dimensions may be made in a natural way.

x = getmatrix(3,2,5);

allocates a 3 x 2 x 5 matrix.


specifies one element from the matrix, and


refers to a six element vector (0-5).


refers to a three element (0-2) vector of pointers to vectors.

RLSEMATRIX is used to release a matrix of the given dimensions.

rlsematrix(x, 3, 2, 5);

releases the matrix "x" from the examples above. It is probably unwise to release only parts of a matrix.

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