GETBIN - read vector of binary data from sequential file.

Alternate Entry Name: GT.BIN


   size = getbin( [ unit, ] vector [, limit ] );
   int getbin([FILE *unit,] void *vector [, int limit] );


is the number of an input unit. If not specified, the default is the current read unit.
points to an area of memory into which the data is to be read.
specifies the maximum allowable index of "vector". Since this is one less than the total number of words the vector can hold, GETBIN will read a maximum of "limit"~+~1 words. If "limit" is not specified, there will be no maximum. If "limit" causes the truncation of a vector, the excess is discarded.
is the size of the vector of data which has been read in. This size is the maximum value an index to the vector can take, and is thus one less than the actual number of words in the vector. If an error occurs during the read action, a negative error number (ERRNO) is returned instead of the vector size. Some possible causes of errors are
unit not open
not a read unit
unit at end of file


GETBIN is intended for reading sequential files in system standard format, the records of which are vectors of binary data presumably written by calls to PUTBIN. At each call to GETBIN, the next sequential vector is read.

See Also:

expl b lib putbin

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.