PRM.CR - default permissions for file creation.


For TSS programs which do not use ".get" and for all batch programs, PRM.CR contains the file permissions word used in creating permanent files. Thus the general permissions and the access code for files created by ACC.FIL (hence OPEN) are specified here. .CCFIL also uses this as the default for files it creates. By default, this word has the value 0400000200000 (general read, read while write). The bits in this word are assigned as follows

Bits   Description
  0       Read
  1       Write
  2       Append
  3       Execute
  4       Purge
  5       Modify
  6       Lock
  8       Create (rather meaningless for a file)
  9       Recovery
18-20 Access code
      6 - Concurrent
      2 - Read while write
      0 - Normal
 30       Write lock (file may be written only once)
 35       Security lock

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