.UID - current effective userid.


".UID" is a two-word GMAP vector containing the effective userid. It is initialized to the current userid during setup, and is usually changed by calling the library function .ALIAS.

In TSS, ".UID" is used by ACC.FIL as the effective userid for DRL FILACT calls. This is only meaningful for subsystems which have MAIL privilege and which do not use ".GET".

In a batch program with privity, ".UID" is the effective userid for the file create MME GEFSYE in ACC.FIL, but the .SUID field in the SSA must be set for the file access MME GEMORE. Because of this, ".UID" should only be changed using .ALIAS, since .ALIAS updates both ".UID" and the .SUID field.

See Also:

expl b lib .alias
for how to set .UID.
expl b lib acc.fil
for more information on file accessing.

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