.BCASE - case flag for BCD input readers.


Normally, when the library is reading BCD input from a file, it will map the letters to lower case ASCII. This behavior is controlled by the external flag .BCASE. Initially, .BCASE has the value zero, indicating that BCD input is to be treated as lower case. If you assign the value 040 to .BCASE, the library will treat subsequent BCD input records as upper case. Assigning any value other than zero or 040 to .BCASE will have undefined results.

.BCASE is only tested at the beginning of each record, so changing the value will not affect the treatment of the remaining data in any record that has been partially processed.

The BCD print image records (media codes 3 and 9), can have a case toggle sequence in them. For these records, .BCASE determines the initial case used to interpret each record.

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