.ARGTYPE - vector of types of parsed arguments.


.BSET creates an external vector named ".argtype" which contains an entry corresponding to each entry in "argv". The entries of ".argtype" contain a code character which indicates the type of the corresponding argument in "argv". The possible arguments types are

argv[n]           .argtype[n]
string               ' '
"quoted string"      '"'
'also quoted'        '*''
-option              '-'
+option              '+'
123                  '0'
-123                 '-0'
+123                 '+0'
word=value           '='
word="some string"   '='
<file                '<'
>file                '>'
>>file             '>>'

The last three argument types are never encountered unless you have set the external variable ".process" to zero.

See Also:

expl b lib .bset
for a discussion of command parsing with .BSET.
expl b lib external .process
for details of its use.

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