DRLJSTS - get status of batch job.


   status = drljsts( snumb );
   tally = drljsts( snumb, buf, bufsiz, stat );
   int drljsts(int snumb);
   int drljsts(int snumb, void *buf, int bufsiz,
               int *stat);


is a word containing the snumb of the job whose status you want. The snumb consists of five BCD characters padded on the right by a blank.
is a buffer which is 320~*~"bufsiz" words long.
is a number between one and eight.
is the address of a word in which the job's status is placed.
is the current status of the job.
is a BCD tally which points to a message.


DRLJSTS obtains the status of the requested "snumb" and returns it. If DRLJSTS only receives one argument, it assumes the call is of the first form and the value it returns is the status of the job. If DRLJSTS receives more than one argument, it assumes the call is of the second form, and its value is a BCD tally which points to a message. The status which DRLJSTS returns (either to "status" or "stat") is the same as that returned by "DRL JSTS", as indicated in the TSS System's Programmer Guide.

The first form of DRLJSTS will only find a job if it is in the system proper; the second form will also find the job if it is in a system scheduler queue. The second form may do disk I/O to examine the queues -- the larger a buffer you give it, the faster it will execute.

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