CMPVEC - compare one B vector to another.

Alternate Entry Name: CMP.VE


   ret = cmpvec( first, second, size );
/* C users use strcmp or memcmp */


first, second
are vector pointers to two B vectors of equal length.
is the size of both vectors, as might be declared in an "auto" statement. For example, if "vec" was declared as "autovec[10]", its size would be 10, even though it actually has 11 words.
is zero if both vectors are identical. "ret" is "+(n+1)" if the first "n" words of the two vectors match and "first[n]" is smaller than "second[n]". "ret" is "-(n+1)" if the first "n" words of the two vectors match and "first[n]" is greater than "second[n]".


CMPVEC compares the contents of two B vectors of equal length. The comparisons are arithmetic, not logical. The function returns a zero if the vectors are identical, and otherwise indicates the first position in which the vectors differ.

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