.DLANG - change to a new date/time names table.

Alternate Entry Name: _DLANG


    oldptr = .dlang(newptr);
    #include <t_ctrl.h>
    const _D_ctrl *_dlang(_D_ctrl *newptr);


points to a new date/time names table.
points to the date/time names table that was previously being used.


.DLANG changes the default date/time names table. This is a table of names used in dates and times, e.g. the names of months (January, February, etc.) and the names of the days of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.). The table is used by the functions .TFMT and .TMFMT in producing date/time strings.

Once you use .DLANG to change to a new names table, .TFMT uses that names table in producing date/time strings, unless the call to .TFMT explicitly references a different table. The same goes for .TMFMT. Thus .DLANG makes the new table the default, but you can override the default in calls to .TFMT and .TMFMT.

See Also:

expl b lib .tmfmt

expl b lib .tfmt

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.