AF - access file.


acce af filename["altname"][,permission]


specifies the name of the file as it is to appear in the Available File Table (AFT). "altname" must be eight characters or less. If not given, the file name is used. For example, if you say "acce af /s/dd.b", the file name is "dd.b". If the file name is longer than eight characters, you must use an "altname".
specifies the permissions to request when accessing the file. If not present, WRITE is requested. The possible permissions are described below.


acce af fort.tst
acce af fort.tst,r,c
acce af fort.tst"x"
acce af /s/fort.tst,r
acce af /s/linelength.b"x",r


You use the AF function of ACCESS to bring a file into the AFT. You may optionally specify an alternate name and/or access permissions.

The AF function is handy if you are using a command that cannot access files by itself, or if you want to use an access permission which is not supported by the command you want to use.

Access permissions:

An access permission is expressed as a one to three character abbreviation of a keyword. The possible permissions are given below. Normally, you will want to use one of "e", "r", "q", or "w".

EXECUTE. Requires EXECUTE permission.
READ. Requires READ permission.
QUERY. Requires READ permission. This differs from "r" in that a query access will succeed even if the file is busy or abort locked.
WRITE. Requires WRITE permission.
RECOVERY. Requires RECOVERY and WRITE permissions. The file must have no other writers. "rec" lets you access an abort locked file for the purpose of repairing it.
CONCURRENT. When used with "r" or "w", allows readers and writers to access the file at the same time, provided that all of them request concurrent access. This will be ignored unless the file has ACCESS/CONCURRENT/ or ACCESS/RWW/.
PRIVATE. This requests private write access. It is used instead of "w" to override the implicit "c" (concurrent) request assumed for ACCESS/RWW/ files.
LOAD. This is a private write request which bypasses the system monitoring of files with ABORT/ROLLBACK/, ABORT/ARCHIVE/, and ACCESS/MONITOR/ attributes. It is intended for initially putting data into a database, when there is no need for the system monitoring. This is the only way to access such a file for write in TSS.

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