.GET - standard file access subsystem.


  • Write a 4 word option vector into the core file.
  • Callss .GET with the line ".get <filename>" in the UST buffer.
  • Read the 5 word status back from the core file.


    .GET is designed to supply a simple file access routine for B, Pascal and any other programs that wish to access a file in a standardized manner with reasonable generality and a minimum of fuss. For a full explanation of the format of the option and status vectors, see EXPL B LIB ACC.FILE. The only difference is that the message flag (opts[3]) only controls message printing and cannot force the current subsystem to exit. The option vector is written to the first 4 words of the core file. Likewise, the status vector is read from the first 5 words.


    accfile(name, opts, ret) {
    	/* copy 4 wds to corfil 1 from opts */
    	drl.cf(opts, 4, 1, 0);
    	system(".get %s", name);
    	/* copy 5 wds from corfil to ret */
    	drl.cf(ret, 5, 1, 1);

    Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.