WRAPUP - set up subroutine calls on termination.


CALL ATCALL (SUBR)  -- call on abnormal termination
CALL NTCALL (SUBR)  -- call on normal termination
CALL NOCALL (SUBR)  -- delete from wrapup list


FDS's wrapup list contains the names of routines that are to be called by the system when the program terminates. The wrapup list is maintained dynamically by FDS on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, FDUMP is always the first routine entered into the wrapup list in batch so that it will be called when the program terminates abnormally. Similarly, FDEBUG is entered into the wrapup list of a program running in TSS.

The user can enter routines in the wrapup list, using the subroutine calls shown above, so that it is possible to obtain readable dumps of sophisticated data structures, if necessary.

The wrapup list is inspected on termination only if the program executes a STOP statement. The calling of wrapup procedures in the event of normal termination can be avoided by using CALL EXIT instead.

The following sequence replaces FDUMP by FDEBUG in the wrapup list (in batch).


Note that in batch, FDEBUG requests must be present on logical unit 44 and they must begin with a return request to be read by FDEBUG when it is called at the beginning of execution.

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