Accessing SQL Server on a Different Computer
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.
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As noted previously, configuring MainBossWeb is easier if the web server is on the same computer as the SQL Server that manages MainBoss. If the two are on different computers, a few considerations apply:
- MainBossWeb works with MainBoss Service. As discussed in SQL Server and MainBoss Service, MainBoss Service will run under the Network Service login name on the computer where it is installed. To access SQL Server, Network Service identifies itself with a login name of the form COMPUTER$ where COMPUTER is the name of the computer. Installing MainBoss Service will therefore put COMPUTER$ into the login list of the instance of SQL Server that manages your MainBoss database.
- If your web server typically runs web sites in a similar manner (running under Network Service), then you should create a similar COMPUTER$-style login name for the computer in SQL Server's login list. Assign the same SQL Server security roles to this name as for the name associated with MainBoss Service. (If MainBossWeb runs on the same computer as MainBoss Service, you don't have to do anything—the appropriate login name will already be registered with SQL Server.)
- For recent releases of IIS Server, the default behavior is not to run web sites under Network Service. Instead, the application pools containing web sites run under special domain login names created specifically for the application pool. If you intend to run your MainBossWeb web site in such an application pool, you must manually add the special domain login name to the list of login names recognized by SQL Server. Do this with SQL Server Management Studio. Give the login name the same security roles as the login name associated with MainBoss Service.
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