STRPBRK - find first character from set in string.

(ANSI Standard)


#include <string.h>
ptr = strpbrk(string,set);


const char *string;
is the string you want to examine.
const char *set;
gives a set of characters to look for.
char *ptr;
points to the first character in "string" that also appears in "set". If no characters from "set" can be found in "string", "strpbrk" returns a null pointer.


"strpbrk" looks through "string" character by character until it finds one of the characters in "set". For example, if "set" is a string consisting of a blank and a tab, "strpbrk" would return a pointer to the first blank or tab appearing in "string".

See Also:

expl c lib strchr

expl c lib strrchr

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