_ZREALLOC - change size of allocated space.

(Not in the ANSI standard)


#include <sdgstd.h>
newp = _zrealloc( oldp, size );


void *oldp;
points to region of memory previously allocated by "malloc" or "calloc".
size_t size;
is the new size desired for the allocated memory.
void *newp;
points to the reallocated memory. This may be the same as "oldp" if the old block of memory could be grown (or shrunk) to the new size; otherwise, it will be a different block. The space begins at an alignment boundary that it is suitable for storing objects of any data type. If memory cannot be acquired or if an argument is improperly specified, the function aborts the calling program.


"_zrealloc" is just like the standard "realloc" function, except that it aborts the calling program if memory cannot be reallocated successfully. For further details, see "expl c lib realloc".

See Also:

expl c lib _zmalloc

expl c lib _zfree

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