O+I - Set input options.


O+I(             Names must be parenthesized
O-I(             Names do not need ()
O+IA/string/     Set append mode prompt
O-IA             No append mode prompt
O+IC/string/     Set command mode prompt
O-IC             No command mode prompt
O+IEc            Set escape character
O-IE             Turn off escape char
O+IF             Print linefeed with return
O-IF             No linefeed with return
O+ILc            Lower case input
O-IL             Turn off lower case input
O+IR/string/     String after return
O-IR             No string after return
O+IUc            Upper case input
O-IU             Turn off upper case input
O+I\F            \F needed to end input
O-I\F            \F not needed to end input


o+ic/What next?/


is a single character.
converts every character typed from the terminal into lower case, except for letters preceded by the character "c". This character "c" is called the case escape character. If no such character is specified, the default is %. Thus with O+IL% in effect, you must type %a or %A to input an upper case A. You must type two case escape characters (%%) if you wish to input the character itself.
turns off lower casing and returns FRED to its normal mode.
converts every character typed from the terminal into upper case, except for letters preceded by the charater "c". If no such character is specified, the default is %. Thus with O+IU% in effect, you must type %a or %A to input a lower case a. As with the L option, you must type two case escape characters (%%) to input the character itself.
turns off upper casing and returns FRED to its normal mode.
sets the normal escape character to "c". For example, O+IE\ tells FRED you want to use the backslash as your escape character in constructs like \B, \C, etc. This is the default. Whatever the escape character is, it should be remembered that you must type a pair of the characters (e.g. \\) when you wish to refer to the character itself.

O-IE turns off the current escape character and does not set a new one. It is not usually desirable to work without an escape character.

Once FRED has seen the string O+IE, it turns off the current escape character and takes the next character as the new escape character. Thus O+IE\B sets \ to the escape character, not the stream directive character \B. \ is turned off as the escape character as soon as FRED sees O+IE and therefore \B is not recognized as a special construction.

sends a linefeed to the terminal whenever you type a carriage return. This is the default. O-IF tells FRED not to print the linefeed when carriage return is entered. This lets one line of input overwrite another on the terminal display.
tells FRED that all buffer names must be contained in parentheses, as in B(name). This is the default.
tells FRED to accept single character buffer names without parentheses. For example, under this option Ba would be equivalent to B(a). Buffer names longer than one character must be placed in parentheses whichever option is in effect.
tells FRED to print string when prompting for text input (after A, I, or C). For example,

tells FRED to prompt with a > for each line of text input. This is the default.

tells FRED not to prompt for input.
tells FRED to print string as a prompt for commands when in command mode. For example,

tells FRED to prompt with yes? for each line of commands.

tells FRED not to prompt for commands. This is the default.
tells FRED to print string after every carriage return that you type. This takes place before the linefeed is issued to space down to the next line. The string is also printed if you press BREAK or ATTN.

O+IR is generally used in connection with O+IA and O+IC to make a visible distinction between text input and commands. For example, suppose your terminal can display your session in reverse video as well as normal video. Then

o+ia/escape sequence for normal video/
o+ic/escape sequence for reverse video/
o+ir/escape sequence for normal video/

uses your terminal's escape sequences to switch back and forth between normal and reverse video. The result of the three commands above would be to print all commands in reverse video and all text input in normal video.

The default is O-IR. It works differently on VIP and TTY termianls. With VIP terminals, FRED displays a carriage return when ENTER is pressed. With TTY terminals, FRED prints a linefeed if O+IF is in effect.

tells FRED that text input continues (after A, C, or I) until a \F character is encountered. This is the default.
indicates that text input may be terminated by new-line characters as well as \F's if the text follows on the same line as the A, C, or I. If text input begins on a new line after the A, C, or I, a \F is required as always. For example,
a This line is appended to the current buffer.
"This is a command line.
This is the beginning of text.
The text can only be ended with

O-I\F makes it easier to append single lines of text.

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