JM - Jump message.




JM prints its message on the terminal. If the message contains stream directives like \B or \N, they are expanded as the message is printed. New-line characters in the message must be preceded by \C. Once the message has been printed, execution continues with the command immediately following the closing delimiter.

Any non-alphanumeric characters may be used as delimiters in place of the / character. You may omit the closing delimiter if O-S/ is in effect and the JM command is immediately followed by a new-line.

Because of size restrictions, the maximum message size is 2000 characters. An error is issued if you attempt to print a longer message.

If you want to use JM to print out a linefeed character, you must send \9\; (i.e. a linefeed with bit nine turned on). If you just send a normal linefeed (\;), FRED will convert it to a carriage return followed by a linefeed. This principle applies to JP and JE as well.

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